Monday, April 6, 2009

Being Connected (even when everyone is having a bad day)

I work for a small, local, closely held business. We are a professional services firm in Indianapolis. I really love my job as COO and have been privileged to spend the last 8 years participating in the building of our business.

We have awesome people- they make good on our promises. They work hard and take what they do seriously. Overall, they are an awesome group of people (there are about 30 of us in all). Today though, there was a general grouchiness in the air. I felt it the moment I woke up- snow in April (boo). Monday (boo). To-do list a mile long (double boo). I walked into the office and
I could tangibly feel the tension.

The problem with days like these are that people get sensitive on these days. These are the days that everyone is grouchy but no one realizes that and instead decide that the company that they work for sucks. I've been there- done that. I know I was tempted to go there at about 8:23 a.m.

I gave myself about 10 minutes to feel it. Then, I pulled out a book of inspiring quotes (I think it's called something like "Change Your Life," or something). I tried to gain perspective and remembering that my business coach says that a leader's job is to create connectedness, I decided to email all of our employees:

Is it me, or does it feel like a blah day? I am tempted to blame the nasty snow and gray on the the 6th of April (although stress is also probably to blame).

I flipped through one of my quote books (you know me) to try to find something motivational. I liked this from Alfred Montapert:

"We cannot choose the things that will happen to us. But we can choose the attitude we will take toward anything that happens. Success or failure depends on your attitude."

Good words for me today. I hope they also inspire you. -ark

(By the way- I'm ark. A.R.K. (my initials)).

And, I hope that these words inspire you. If you are a leader in an organization, or aspiring to be so, I encourage you to give yourself 10 minutes to feel it (whatever it is), then choose an attitude of success and go about the business of creating connectedness.

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